We all know that life has its complexities. We constantly sort through the world’s demands and possibilities, making choices as to where to focus our attention and ability. At times, the abundance of options can overwhelm us, causing us to retreat from life’s playing field.
In Maelstrom, I strive to deconstruct these challenges, to gain perspective on them as individual threads in life’s vast fabric. It is in these moments of choice that we discover possibilities. If we identify the obstacle, we can understand its purpose as part of our personal journey. For it is when we embrace the maelstrom, the perceived darker moments, that we can emerge strengthened and enlightened. Use this painting as your encouragement for jumping in, for shouldering the burden and through your soul’s perseverance finding meaning in each experience. Therein lies the victory and ultimately our reason to celebrate. Take a look at your circumstances. Now re-envision them as possibilities – let their light illuminate your path.
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Current & Upcoming Events
One-day Painting Retreat
July 12, 2008
10 am to 10 pm
Instructor: Rassouli
Mayfair Hotel, Los Angeles
Painting retreats offer the unique opportunity to gather for a extended time and not only learn about Fusionart, but share the energy of creating as a group. Join us for our inaugural one-day painting retreat at the Mayfair Hotel in Los Angeles. This unique event will combine instructor-led discussions about the creative process, Fusionart and how to open up to your inner creator. The class will include specific exercises to assist you in opening up to the creative flow. The day-long retreat includes lunch and dinner and a space to paint. Students should bring their own painting supplies.
For more info about me, my collection of work, where you can see it displayed at a gallery near you, or how you can get an original painting or limited edition print, please visit:
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