An earthquake rattles the Midwest. Experts predict the “big one” will hit sometime within the next 30 years. Floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis can strike with little or no warning and change our lives forever. A natural disaster is no respecter of persons. No country or community is immune to devastation. We don’t always have the luxury of time to discover what may or may not be visible. Sometimes, we have but a fleeting moment to look now before it’s too late.
In Volcanic Rain, the heat of the rain obliterates what is behind it. All life and action are under attack. The challenge is to reach immediate conclusions, save what you can and leave the rest. We must then abruptly define ourselves, chose a course and get moving. Like this painting before it melts into oblivion, can you see enough in your life before it melts away? Look quickly between the drops. Make haste. Maximize each moment. Grab what you can and get going. Take time to authenticate your own soul and spirit before you encounter the next dimension.
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Current & Upcoming Events
Gallery C
1225 Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Beach, California 90254May 1st – 31st , 2008
**Opening Reception: May 3rd, 5P to 9P
For more info about me, my collection of work, where you can see it displayed at a gallery near you, or how you can get an original painting or limited edition print, please visit:
To reach me:
To learn morn about Fusionart International, please visit:
From the Easel of Ralph White
Posted by Ralph White at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Volcanic Rain
From the Easel of Ralph White
Magazines, commercials and internet articles bombard us with mixed signals. Individualism is both rewarded and shunned. While current fashion dictates that we rebel, separate from anything that remotely resembles the status quo, it also dictates lists of what we should have, wear, drive, eat, listen to and download to be up on the latest trends…like everyone else.
In Indian Dancer, the dancer teaches of the nobility of being confident in our own skin. There is individuality and dignity within every spirit. As we take our place in the infinity of the earth and yet remain unique contributors vital to our own destiny, it is up to us to distinguish and define our legacy. Like this dancer, we are called to celebrate what we bring to the journey and offer ourselves up to a greater good. Along the way, we must move and flow with life’s circumstances, finding balance between the duality of self and community. Take time to find this balance and when you do, you will be dancing to the beat of your own drum.
Want more?
Current & Upcoming Events
Gallery C
1225 Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Beach, California 90254
May 1st – 31st , 2008
**Opening Reception: May 3rd, 5pm to 9pm
For more info about me, my collection of work, where you can see it displayed at a gallery near you, or how you can get an original painting or limited edition print, please visit:
To reach me:
To learn morn about Fusionart International, please visit:
Posted by Ralph White at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Indian Dancer
From the Easel of Ralph White…
No rest for the weary. We’ve heard this saying countless times. Perhaps it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Every day, there is something in print and online regarding stress that manifests out of our hectic lifestyles. We are wired and wireless because we must be connected and “on” at all times. Devices and gadgets help us attempt to keep up with all that we try to cram into every moment. When did we get so busy that we started talking on cell phones and sending text messages at the most inopportune times because we needed to multi-task at the risk of our own safety? Willingly stepping up on the treadmills of life, we cranked the dial up so high that the only way to get off is to get thrown off. Even then, we don’t interpret this as an opportunity to rest. Instead, we jump right back on another treadmill.
Want more?
Current & Upcoming Events
Fusionart International Exhibit
Gallery C
1225 Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Beach, California 90254
One-Day Painting Retreat
Saturday, April 19th @ 9A
Mayfair Hotel, 1256 West 7th Street, Los Angeles
Painting retreats offer the unique opportunity to gather for an extended time to learn about Fusionart and share the energy of creating as a group. Join them for their inaugural one-day painting retreat with instructor-led discussions about the creative process and specific exercises to assist you in opening up to the creative flow.
For more info about me, my collection of work, where you can see it displayed at a gallery near you, or how you can get an original painting or limited edition print, please visit:
To reach me:
To learn morn about Fusionart International, please visit:
Posted by Ralph White at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cloudline
From the Easel of Ralph White
Bob Dylan wrote, “The times they are a-changin’…”
It has been said that the things you can count on in life are death and taxes. To this notion I add change. Things change. People change. Seasons change. Change is inevitable. From the macrocosm of the world to the microcosms of our neighborhoods, everything is in state of flux. Yet in the midst of the whirlwind, some things remain the same. For me, art is a constant that grounds me. The release it provides keeps me centered and through my soul’s expression on canvas, I access a connection that is always there, always available.
The message of this work is the human connection. Our interactions with the people around us can be intellectual, physical, or observational. Over time, we generate thousands of connections that create divine energy in the universe. The Creator has sent us on a journey; we share a communion with all those who cross our path. Relationships evolve in many different ways, each one becoming part of the fabric of our personal tapestry.
Rising up from this painting are images of bodies, most notably the outline of a back that fills most of the left half of the work. As we acquaint ourselves with this outline, we begin to see other human forms within the intricate brushwork and color palette. Take a look at your world today with fresh eyes. What have you been missing? What has kept you so preoccupied that you don’t see the beauty that is always emerging around you? Whether at work, at the grocery store or even in traffic, the spirit is celebrating life through interconnectivity. Don’t miss the opportunity to add to the fabric of your personal tapestry – join the celebration!
Current & Upcoming Events
Fusionart Exhibit now through April 13th
James Gray Gallery (310) 315-9502
Bergamot Station, Building D, 42525 Michigan Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Next Stop:
Gallery C
1225 Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Beach, California 90254
For more info about me, my collection of work, where you can see it displayed at a gallery near you, or how you can get an original painting or limited edition print, please visit:
To reach me:
To learn morn about Fusionart International, please visit:
Posted by Ralph White at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Communion